Connect with Emmaus

Two Emmaus Members greeting each other with a fist bump

Reverend Kristen greeting people at the end of worship

Emmaus is a vibrant faith community. If you’d like to connect with us further, and stay up to date on special events and discussion groups, you can find us online here:

Fellowship Groups

Emmaus offers a variety of opportunities for youth, families, and adults to grow in relationship and caring. Learn more about our established fellowship groups and monthly activities that support a ministry of caring for each other and ourselves.

Red Tent Book Group - The Women's Red Tent Book Group usually meets on a Sunday after worship every other month, gathering for a brown bag lunch in the Parlor of the main church building or at a member’s home. Our membership fluctuates every time we meet, based on who has read the book and is able to attend.


Men’s Group - The men's group meets once a month for Christian fellowship and to discuss a variety of spiritual topics (although, being men, we have been known to have a bowling night or go out for dinner together!).

Spiritual Creating - is a group that meets monthly to create handmade articles intended as gifts to bring joy and comfort to others. It began with a focus on knitting Prayer Shawls, but individuals’ efforts now include other techniques of handiwork as well.

Tough Old Birds (TOB’s) - meet for lunch once a month on a weekday in the church parlor and discuss different subjects. Everyone brings their own sandwich and takes turn bringing salads and dessert. Occasionally the TOBs will meet at a mutually agreed upon restaurant. Newcomers who have a little “life experience” are always welcome.